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AP-09 RFID Reader

The AP-09 is part of AcuProx Reader product line for access control. It is indicated for Applications that use cards and tags operating at 125 kHz. Dimensions with reduced readings reaches up to 15 cm, ideal for indoor use in controlling, turnstiles and other equipment.


The AP-09 is a reader of small dimensions, but with great reading performance, with range up to 15 cm with cards and tags AcuProx line. Due to its size, is indicated mainly for internal use in several controllers, clocks, turnstiles and other similar equipment in Applications access control. Allows three communication interfaces: RS-232 TTL, Wiegand 26 bits and ABA TK2. Thus, the Reading Module AP-09 is a smart and simple solution for most Applications for radio frequency identification.

Technical Specifications

* Considering power regulated and stabilized 12V DC installation electromagnetic noise-free environment and without the presence of metal surfaces near the reader source.

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